Apple asks ITC to block imports of Samsung Android Gadgets

Apple isn’t giving up any ground in its patent infringement battle with Samsung: the company has now filed a complaint with the U.S. International Trade Commission asking the agency to block the import and sale of devices it claims infringe on seven technology and design patents.

Samsung has followed each of Apple’s groundbreaking products with imitation products that incorporate Apple’s technology and distinctive design,” Apple wrote in its complaint to the ITC. Although Apple and Samsung remain partners in components and manufacturing—Apple is one of Samsung’s largest customers—Apple has accused Samsung of blatantly imitating its iPhone and iPad products with its Galaxy S and Galaxy Tab Android-powered smartphones and tablets.

The companies’ legal battle over patent infringement in mobile devices now includes litigation in at least four countries: the United States, South Korea, Japan, and Germany. Industry watchers generally believe Apple is unlikely to get an import injunction against allegedly-infringing Samsung products in the United States.

Apple is likely using the filing as a way to raise the stakes in its dispute with Samsung, potentially giving it a stronger position in any negotiations or settlement talks the companies may have. Apple’s latest move comes on the heels of Samsung dropping one of its patent infringement suits against Apple in the United States, although Samsung characterized dropping the case as an effort to streamline proceedings.


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